Monday, March 19, 2007

Climbing Mt Sugarbin by Roland Harvey

This book is about a boy named Nathan who was a mechanical genius. One day when his sister Alexandra and Nathan's mum were on their way to school their car would not start so mum called Nathan and said, "Can you come and fix the car?" Then Nathan fixed the car. It started up. He said to his mum it was only a dirty battery. so then Alexander and Nathan's mum went to school.

Nathan went back into his room with a piece of toast. When Nathan looked at the clock he was late for school. When he got to school they were doing a recount so he went up to the teacher and then he started. In their class there was a boy called Lucas Hudson who was mean to Nathan and the other boys and girls.
I'm not going to tell you any more of the story. I would like you to read this book yourself.

I would rate this book 10/10. I would recommend this book for all ages.

by Karah

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